One to One Plant Spirit Herbalism Consultations

A Plant Spirit Herbalism consultation and subsequent treatment plan combines herbal medicine, shamanic healing, nutrition, plant meditation, ceremony, and the cycles of nature.
This approach ensures you receive a balanced blend of scientific knowledge and spiritual insight tailored to your individual needs.
Plant Spirit Herbalism combines the science and magic of herbs so that we can explore your ‘why’ together.
This is not a passive process; it’s one in which you are supported in connecting with your body’s innate wisdom and intuition and learning how to work with the sacred medicines of herbs for healing.
Every health issue has physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects, and the causes are often deeper than you think.
As an herbalist, I can give you medicine to manage physical symptoms.
That’s the easy part.
But if your deeper issues go unchecked, your health issues may return again and again.
For example, you might be struggling with painful, heavy periods.
A doctor would probably prescribe the oral contraceptive pill.
But what if chronic stress causes that hormonal imbalance? Which is driven by digestive health issues as a result of poor eating patterns that come from a difficult childhood and lack of self-worth.
..In repeating family health patterns that have been passed down the generations.
That’s where the power of Plant Spirit Herbalism comes in.
Every issue in your life has a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspect.
And all plants have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing properties.
Plant spirit herbalism connects you with all of the healing properties of plants.
Not only the physical…
…Allowing you to tackle the underlying issues that are causing your health problems.
For example, the herb Rose soothes your digestive system and helps to ease heavy and painful periods.
It ALSO supports you in breaking patterns of chronic shame that result in you neglecting your needs. It supports the healing of grief and feminine trauma passed down through generations- key spiritual drivers of hormonal issues.
Plant Spirit Herbalism Consultation
Plant Spirit Herbalism is for you if:
You don’t just have a hunch that there’s more to wellness than swallowing a few pills or supplements. You know it deep in your bones. You feel it. That’s the medicine calling to you.
You don’t want to spend the rest of your life struggling in a system that patches you up with quick fixes.
You are motivated and ready to connect with every aspect of healing, nature & your highest self.
You understand that healing is not linear, that we will work together to the best of our ability so you reach a stage of wellness. But that complete resolution is in no way guaranteed.
You have chronic health issues that you are struggling to understand- but really want to know what’s going on and are ready to dig deep and make some lasting changes.
You wish to learn how to deepen your connection with nature and seek guidance and clarity on your life’s challenges.
Plant Spirit Herbalism is not for you if:
You want quick fixes to health issues.
Are not able to commit time to yourself and the process.
You are going through serious upheaval in life- I recommend waiting until life quietens down for you again.
You want a traditional herbal consultation that does not address spiritual and ancestral health issues and combines shamanic practices with herbal medicine.
Plant Spirit Herbalism Consultation
What to expect during your consultation:
We take a deep dive into your health, from top to toe, from before birth to now.
So that we can start to build a complete picture of what brought you to this point.
We will be looking into all aspects of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
We work as detectives to uncover the drivers of your issues so that we can put together a plan that is tailored to your unique health needs.
Following your consultation, you will receive a presentation of findings and treatment plan (30 minutes—separate Zoom appointment). In this appointment, we will discuss your treatment plan and how we’ll move forward.
This is your chance to get really clear on what you can expect. You are the one in control of this process!
If you are UK-based, you will then receive your first herbal prescription.
If you are based outside the UK, you will be given a detailed plan of what herbs to source and how to blend them.
Prescriptions for UK clients are charged separately and cost between £10-15 per week
As part of your treatment plan, you will also be given:
- Lifestyle and nutritional recommendations.
- Homework, including plant spirit rituals and ceremonies to undertake as part of your healing journey.
Follow-up consultations will occur every 3-6 weeks depending on your needs and will last up to 90 minutes.
The number of follow-ups and length of treatment protocol depends on many factors.
As a rule of thumb, expect to be in a treatment plan for a minimum of 3 – 6 months. Chronic health issues can take a lifetime to build-up and changes are often slow, but accumulative.