Now available for pre-sale!
Discover the Power of Medicinal Herbs for Inner Transformation
In my book, I invite you to explore herbs not just as physical remedies, but as living, breathing allies that offer wisdom and healing on a deeper, spiritual level.
Through plant spirit herbalism, you’ll learn to engage with plants in a holistic way—connecting with them physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
I guide you through different seasonal practices, such as sensory tea ceremonies, herbal remedy making, and plant spirit journeys, helping you uncover the unique guidance and medicine each plant offers.
Whether new to herbalism or seeking to deepen your connection with the plant world, Plant Spirit Herbalism offers a transformative path toward vibrant health and self-discovery.
At their core, plants help us remember who we are—underneath the masks, stories, and trauma—so that we can live the life we were born to live.
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Excerpt from the book
“Plant spirit herbalism is about building relationships with plants, not just using them. When you meet a new plant, you don’t immediately ask how it can help you—you get to know it, listen to its wisdom, and invite it into your life as an ally. This book is an invitation to explore herbs as living, breathing beings with souls and wisdom, guiding you on a journey of physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation. By tuning into your senses and opening your heart, you’ll discover the unique gifts each plant has to offer, unlocking a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.”